Hi there! I’m NerdyMathGuy and I graduated with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and another B.S. in Mathematics (long story, but it’s not a double major since the degrees are technically from two separate institutions). Right now, I’m a software engineer by day and a hobbyist by night where I make robots, experiment with mathematics and software, and I’ve been thinking about some home automation projects. I have a variety of interests spanning from robots and 3D printing to home automation to photography (especially astrophotography!) to piano and probably a dozen other things I’ve neglected to mention.



I approach everything from a Christian young-earth Creationist perspective. That doesn’t usually affect the presentation of instructional things like how to solve a particular kind of problem, but it will affect things like explanations of ethics, origins, and questions about why I do or don’t do certain things. I understand that not everyone agrees with my perspective and I don’t expect that, I only expect respect for my views and kindness in the chat.